Monday, August 29, 2005

Update: Car battery failure and my health

Car battery failure
Yup, the battery is dead. One of the cells died. I've suspected the battery for a while now (see my post below). The friendly battery centre manager was kind enough to give me the battery at cost because 'batteries last at least 3 years.' But, they forgot to replace my battery thermal cover, so I have to go back there and hope they haven't mysteriously misplaced it.

My Health
As always I feel great, except for slightly tired and foggy because of a weekend not wasted. My throat is still not ok, even after another set of antibiotics (see my post below). I think this time the doctor is going for a proper round of tests because he was already concerned the previous time he prescribed the antibiotics. Oddly enough I'm not all that concerned. As long as I don't have to pay for anything and I don't lose any function I'm happy. Otherwise I'll consider just enjoying the last couple of years till it overcomes me... That's grim - hopefully it wont come to that. There are too many things to think about doing whilst snoozing on the couch...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

OhGizmo! Interactive 3D Display: Its Here!

OhGizmo! Interactive 3D Display: Its Here!

io2technology has developed a nifty free air display. It seems the device pricing will only be announced later. It claims to take any common source such as from a PC or video. Images up to 42 inch is possible on the larger models.

io2technology also has some videos on their site promoting the technology.

Car battery failure

Hmmm, yes, you know those motorcar batteries with the 12 month warranty. Well mine just died at 12+1, AGAIN. Now another 500 or 600 is to be wasted on having to a replacement. The battery centre manager is quite confident that my car electronics is at fault because he feels a constant 100 - 200 mA is too much to maintain all the complex electronics in the car when it isn;t running. As with most similarly sized batteries it should be able to do 60 - 70 Amp hours which gives it at 150 to 200 mA almost 2 weeks before it should run itself down. Thus it is not possible to damage the battery if it only stands for 12 hours max at a time. And of course I travel at least about 20 to 40 km per day so a complete charge is always possible (yes, the alternator checked out). Shall we argue that the winter weather did it, maybe, if you consider 15 to 20 degrees C a cold winter. In fact, that is a very healthy temperature for a battery to maintain. So I wonder how these people come to their conclusions. A page from shed some useful info on lead acid batteries, although it isn't very detailed, it is quite clear that something other than my car is at fault...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Camcelebs: the ultimate webcam community

Camcelebs: the ultimate webcam community This is one for you horny guys out there (maybe even the ladies ;-)). Real people with real webcams strutting their stuff - yeah, that's right... Yes, very much adult content, but hey, nothing you haven't seen before, right?

The site only allows you to see about 12 camshots unless you register, but hey, what's this, a link to someones homepage... Many have links to their personal pages containing many more images. Most are artistic in nature, not forced at all. The photo top right is from the homepage of shykiss. Not really my thing, but I'm sure someone will enjoy the unlimited entertainment.

My first proper blog entry - cancer anyone?

This blog was initially not intended as a place where I can post anything of a personal nature. Anyone who knows me will agree that I am a very personal person. I love people, I love talking and enjoy spending time with others. I am in many ways an extrovert and easily make friends wherever I go, but I never let anyone in. Any desires, fears and feelings are never shared, even with the best of friends. My best friends many times take offense because of this, especially when I refuse to talk about the women I've been with and my experiences :-). Hmmm, thats a topic for another post... I figure it is a good idea to put to paper, or to electron, what is going on. I can always delete this post later.

This is leading somewhere - I have for a number of years had a nagging feeling about my health, which has generally, actually, always been exceptionally good. However, a few persistent symptoms that I've been researching are somewhat troublesome. They are very simple to describe. For the past couple of years, especially the past two I've experienced a throat sore that is especially aggrevated by the weather, winter in particular. I expect it is the dryness of the air. Initially I thought I was getting a recurring ear infection which was later diagnosed as an infection at the back of my throat. The pain is apparently transferred or experienced in the ear and is a common symptom. A persistent cough, nothing serious, supports this. The side of my throat very often becomes irritated when I eat any spicy food and is sensitive for a while after when swallowing. OK, maybe I enjoy food of a much higher that normal spicy nature. This is only some of the experiences that worry me. The doctor at my last appointment did the usual antibiotoc treatment and some of the discomfort disappeared. However, the throat is still sensitive after a couple of weeks and this morning it seemed a bit worse. The doctor is somewhat concerned, as am I.

Fortunately there is no trouble with swallowing and no change in my voice, and as all my searches into this problem have revealed, usually there is less serious explanation to these problems. My biggest concern is the length of time I've been experiencing these symptoms. However, as always my hope is in God.

Any comments? Hopefully no one I know reads this, as they no doubt will try to confort me, and that is not the idea. I am not afraid, I don't need to discuss my feelings about this, I just wanted to put this out there, maybe get some feedback if any. For now, I'm hungry, and there is some excellent leftovers calling to me...

Btw, still reading? Have a look at my post below. I'm really keen on a motorbike - a thousand zimbabwian dollars for your thoughts maybe?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What kind of motorcycle do you prefer?

I've recently decided that I want a motorcycle. The fuel price is rediculous, even with my economical car I end up spending too much on transportation and way too little on entertainment. Of course, a motorcycle is not just about saving money. If that was the case I'd buy a beat up scooter and be done with it. It is more about fun and a statement about my personality. So I pose the question, what is your favourite motorcycle? Post a comment, a shout or try my poll on the right.

I'm leaning towards a Honda Magna V45. Not too big, but there is plenty to keep me entertained and man, it is a beautiful machine. The one pictured here was taken from Motorcycle Online - I love google.

I don't like Harleys though - partly because they cost more than a small home (I live in SA, so cars and bikes cost way more that the average american car comprehend) and partly because they are even less economical than my car.

Let me know what you think, better yet, post a link of your ride.



Another addition, a shoutbox.

Web Poll Central - Free skinable poll service

Web Poll Central - Free skinable poll service

I'm in the process of customising my page and decided to opt for the feature rich, little content approach as I have little time to devote to finding uber cool content.

Here is my next addon - a poll. This site seems to offer a very rich poll generator. Lets see how it goes.

An Easy to install Hit Counter for your Website!

An Easy to install Hit Counter for your Website!

Need a hit counter to spice up your site, and of course indicate how little interest is shown in your content... Click on the above. Some really sweet looking counters.

Leigh Silver & Bitter Things

Leigh Silver & Bitter Things

So I'm not into unknown bands (ok, she's been around for a while), but this is pretty good...