Pretoria is Pretoria
Pretoria is Pretoria
This is mainly for South-Africans. Go here to vote that the name change will not happen. It's unbelievable!
--- snip from one of the mails that brought to my attention ---
Let's keep our pretty Jacaranda City's name as Pretoria. It is going to
cost the government billions (yes, really) to change all that has to be
changed in order to rename our city. Money that can surely be better
spent on more worthy causes.
All you have to do is to vote no, against the changing of the name.
Click on the link below and vote "NO".
--- snip from one of the mails that brought to my attention ---
At the latest count, after my vote, 63728 are against and 4992 for the name change. Yet it is still a pressing issue. Not even 10 % of the population wants it to go forward. The world knows our the capital by this name but still they want to change it to a name the world wouldn't waste half a second to forget.
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