Monday, May 30, 2005

So this is a blog...

OK, so I have another blog elsewhere, but it seems I just don't seem to settle anywhere. Maybe the idea that someone I know can find the blog bothers me - and no, my friends are cool, but there are always professional ties that one would like to keep professional.

From my experience in Internet dating I've found that it is all too easy to track someone down on the web - yah, it was me doing the tracking, not in a stalker kinda way mind you, and it was just so easy. People leave footprints all over the place.

One example of this is a specific young lady (maybe a bit young for me) that I traced - In a dramatic fit of boredom I decided to see if there are any traces of her on the Internet. I started with her nickname on the site and managed to link her to another site where she likes to blog on occation. From there I had some details about her life such as her studies, and later approximately where she works - and I say approximately, because I've narrowed it down to the subburb and with some certainty to 3 different companies. I was still not satisfied and decided to continue with the quest and eventually managed to secure her cellphone number... No, no... I didn't call her. From here on pretty much anything about her life can be found including where she lives.

Granted, from experience I've found that pretty asian girls (no offense to anyone intended) are much more likely to attract the attention of others, especially if they are talented and very open in their blogs. This leads them to reveal small amounts of information that may be very helpful in linking them with other information on the web. It's a simple case of correlating a number of pages and picking out the jucy bits.

So, thats my reason for not settling. Maybe I'll become comfortable with the idea of everyone knowing my personal details, but for now...

Anyway, this was not the intended first post, but anyone who happens on this, please, be my guest and give me your insight into the troubling phenomenon which is online footprints.


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